Peeking out from under the blanket fort…

Reading thru the notes, post it notes and unpublished posts that have been piling up I suddenly realized how small I have made my world in the last 3 ish years. YEARS. Not DAYS, YEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRSSSSSS. I am unsure why I have not published anything, it hasn’t been all scary swamp witch hiding in her home. Like anyone else there has been tears and laughter and days that just seemed to blur together. Safe in my little oasis I laughed and grieved and purchase a ridiculous amount of yoga clothes and beautification products from Sephora and of course lots and lots of books. My family and friends yanked me from the comfort of the little world I had created for myself and sent me back into the real world. Ready or not here I am. Adulting has not gotten any easier, just funnier to people watching me from the sidelines….